15-NOV-96 Be Screen Dump Datatype 1.0 By: Jeremy Moskovich (jeremy@vms.huji.ac.il) * What is it? Its a datatype handler for use with John Watte's excelent Datatype library,that can import Be Screendump files.* How much does it cost? Nothing, its free...* How do I install it? just type a line like:zcat | tar xfv - in terminal, where is the name of the archive containing the Be Screen dump datatype. Then drag the "BBitmap Handler" file into the "Datatypes" folder on the root of your hard disk. * Why doesn't ShowApp open Be Screendumps for me now that I have a datatype installed that supports them? The Be Screen Dump datatype only knows how to export DATABitmap data, it doesn'tknow how to create views (per the readme for the 1.3 version of the datatype library). Therefore you need a datatype supporting image viewing program to see the results (such as the soon to be released BeShow B5).* What is a Be Screendump file? Try pressing the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard and then lookingat the new file created on the root of your boot disk...