         File:	BePGP.tar.gz
       Author:	John Jeffy Lin (jjl@columbia.edu), Matthew T. Bogosian (mattb@columbia.edu)
      Release:  1.0  (based on PGP 2.6.2 source)
Compatibility:	DR8
     Location:	/contrib/util
  Description:	Patch program to make PGP 2.6.2 work on the BeOS
        Notes:	This code requires the official PGP 2.6.2 source code.  It simply runs patch
        		on the code to make modifications that permit it to run on a BeOS based system.
        		Source may be obtained from http://net-dist.mit.edu/pgp.html
				(export restrictions do not permit inclusion of actual source.)

February 4, 1997
Patcher for BeOS version of Pretty Good Privacy 2.6.2 Freeware
Final Port accomplished by:
	John J. Lin (jjl@columbia.edu)
	Matthew T. Bogosian (mattb@columbia.edu)
	Johan M. Anderson (johan@columbia.edu

This is a fully functional (and rather fast) port of POSIX based PGP for the BeOS.

How do i use this thing?
	Well, export restrictions prevent us from providing full source code for PGP, so this is
next best thing.  Go to  http://net-dist.mit.edu/pgp.html  and download the PGP source for 
version 2.6.2.  Make a directory called BePGP.  Place the archive in this folder. Decompress
and extract the archive.  (note, it explodes into 2 other tar archives. (pgp262si.tar and 
rsaref.tar)  You will need to extract these archives too.  Be careful not to move files 
about.  (the PGP makefiles dont' work then, obviously.)

Next, take the "PGP ->BeOS patcher" folder and place it inside BePGP.
Inside "PGP ->BeOS patcher" you will find a script named "patch.script"  From a 
Terminal window, run patch.script by typing "patch.script" at the prompt.  You will see some text
about new-style content diff files, etc... dont' worry about it.  after the script is done, your 
copy of the PGP 2.6.2 source has been modified to work with BeOS.  To compile, (assuming that you just 
ran the patch.script), type 

cd ../rsaref/install/unix
cd ../../../src 
make beos

You will see a few link errors... (dealing with libbe.so). Don't worry they aren't important.
you should have a pgp binary in the src directory at the end of the compile.

For some reason, patch is not a standard command on the BeOS.  To facilitate PGP compiles, I have used
Chris Herborth's port of patch 2.1.  (Thanks Chris!)   I've included his docs and source code with this 
distribution.  Here's his readme file for patch 2.1:

patch 2.1 for Be

Here is a port of Larry Wall's excellent program, patch.  I was
quite surprised to find that the DR7 BeOS shipped with the GNU
diffutils, but no patch!

dr8: I'm _still_ surprised that patch isn't there!  I mean, I put the port
on Be's FTP site, and I _know_ people there are using it...

This was an _easy_ port.  I made the Makefile and config.h by hand
since I can't get configure scripts to do anything (well, other
than crash), and I had to make two minor changes to getopt.c and

dr8: I just rebuilt this using the old setup, with minor changes (no libpos
now, for example).

Original sources are on prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/patch-2.1.tar.gz
and other GNU repositories.

Chris Herborth (chrish@qnx.com)