                             File:  be-xkeycaps.tar.gz
                           Author:  Dave Mills
                          Release:  09/20/97
                    Compatibility:  PR
                         Location:  ftp.be.com
                      Description:  X-windows keyboard checkout
                            Notes:  This is an X11 application, you need X to use it!

X11 xkeycaps

This archive contains a build of the X11 application 'xkeycaps'.
It requires either a remote machine running X11, or a local X-server.
A beta X-server for BeOS is available (be-X11r63.tar.gz and be-X11r63-p2.tar.gz 
on ftp.be.com, OR on ftp.ninemoons.com/pub/be/geekgadgets/alpha). 
The X-server was ported by Achim Blumensath (blume@corona.oche.de) and
is an early alpha version (much Kudos to Achim!)

NOTE: if you have previously downloaded be-x11r63.tar.gz, the second archive
      be-x11r6-p2.tar.gz contains the X-server and also a replacement set
      of fonts as these were corrupted in my first distribution :-(

	Dave Mills   (rfactory@earthlink.net)