A brief tour of Abacus - Please try it. Start Abacus by double clicking it's icon. From the Open menu (under project) choose Open and load the file 'Ice cream factory.abacus'. You're now looking at what's supposed to be some kind of visualisation of some important factors when it comes to ice scream manufacturing. Mark the cells C2 to C13 by clicking on the cell C2, and while holding the button down, drag it to C13. Now you have marked a selection. Select Histogram from the Graph menu, and a histogram will show up with a nice representation on how many ice creams melt every month. Of course you can resize the graph on the fly. Speaking of months, click on one of the cells that contains the month names. You'll notice that the cell really just contain the month's number (starting with 1 for January). Now, just how is this done you're probably wondering. Well, it's easy! Press the right mouse button (or command click) and you'll get a set of option like displaying the cell's value as a Month name or as an string of words. You can mark a selection with the mouse, and select 'Show as' (right mouse button again) and it'll take effect on all cells. If you need help on how to use a spreadsheet (without any prior knowledge) check out the html help in the 'Help/' subfolder. There you'll also find a list and description of all the 47 functions and 17 constants that Abacus is capable of. By the way, you can resize the rows and columns simply by dragging on the separators between each row/column. Enjoy, and please send us some feedback! The authors: Magnus Hjelmer, pt96mhj@student.hk-r.se, Be Dev ID E-2015 Bjorn Tornqvist, pt96bto@student.hk-r.se, Be Dev ID E-2018