===================== File: Adam1.2Preview.Installer Author: Adamation, Inc. Release: v.1.2; 7/30/97 Compatibility: PR Location: /pub/contrib/productivity or /pub/contrib/networking Description: Powerful POP/SMTP e-mail client with modular design for add-ons Notes: New in this version: 1. Signatures updated. I finally wrote a more user oriented Signature AddOn. Remember, these are add-ons, so if anybody wants to do something cooler/better, go for it. 2. Workarounds for crashes in BTextView, etc. 3. Full handling of "Ignore on Server" Previous implementation required special servers that handled "Status" attribute. This is no longer required, and Adam works much better in this regard. 4. Ability to delete message on server. (open a message that wasn't "deleted" on the server, and you can now select "Delete on server" from the menu. This is *very* handy in multi-client environments. 5. EMS-API is implemented. Notice all the QualComm add-ons. These are direct recompiles of windows code and shows the compatibility with EMS-API. Some of these can be cool. Unless you want to confuse your friends emailers, don't turn on PseudoSquish as it will compress your messages on the way out and only people with PsuedoSquish (Mac, Be, Win) will be able to read your message. 6. Normal Adam API is extended to allow add-on to keep global memory around. 7. Support for "People" to be dropped onto Adam (email addresss is pulled out and put in place). 8. Fixed crash when quitting AdamDaemon while uploading/downloading. 9. AdamAlert has a "New Mail" button to show new mail. 10. Added emacs character movement in text window (for dominic). 11. Fixed crash when deleting a schedule that was in-use by an account. 12. EMS-API "On Transmission" are all optional now via the "Actions" menu item. The EMSF_DEFAULT_Q_ON flag is imlemented, allowing your add-on to tell Adam to default your add-on as "on" or "off". Notice that Signatures allows the user to decide which way to do it. I suggest you guys do something similar so that users don't end up with piles of things they have to turn off all the time... 13) And more... =====================